
Read about Chinese culture, government initiatives, and other insights.


Virtual Reality in China

Virtual Reality in China

Virtual reality in China, and the entire world, did not experience the meteoric rise so many people predicted. It is not the way the majority, or even a significant minority consume media… yet. However, that is not stopping China from still taking a leading role in VR...

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Cross-Border E-commerce in China

Cross-Border E-commerce in China

Relying on the huge market potential, China's e-commerce platforms are an enormous success. During the past years, 1421 Consulting group has already created many articles about e-commerce in China. These are listed below First article: History of the Future: how China...

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China’s Wine Market: Trends in Appetite

China’s Wine Market: Trends in Appetite

China’s Wine Market has been steadily growing over the past decade as the palate of the country becomes more international and the appetite for imported alcohol products becomes more commonplace. It was reported in 2017 by the China Wine Market that over 48 million...

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The Healthcare Sector in China

The Healthcare Sector in China

The healthcare sector in China is a vast industry with multiple subsectors growing at different rates, yet all are on an upward trajectory. The reasons for this are multiple, urbanization, an aging population, a continuous rise in wages and living standards for...

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