
Read about and learn new insights about the various industries in China.


A Guide To The Company Registration in Hong Kong

A Guide To The Company Registration in Hong Kong

According to the Doing Business 2019 Report published by the World Bank Group, Hong Kong ranks fourth among 190 economies in the world in terms of ease of doing business. Hong Kong’s unique geographical location as well as the minimum level of restrictions and...

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Running a Company in China from a Distance: 5 Key Elements

Running a Company in China from a Distance: 5 Key Elements

There are estimated to be over 700.000 different business books in the world, and a significant portion of those books are about managing a company. The amount of literature on management shows the importance and difficulty of managing a business. There are many...

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Developing a China strategy inspired by Sun Tzu

Developing a China strategy inspired by Sun Tzu

We would advise every company, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) and corporate alike, to develop strategies for expansions into new markets. However, for China, strategy seems to be even more important. This importance is fueled by several different reasons. Firstly...

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Tips for Signing a MOU in China

Tips for Signing a MOU in China

We have all seen the pictures on LinkedIn or company pages. The official signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between a Western and Chinese firm. Usually there are some high-ranking government officials present, ceremonially co-signing the MOU on a...

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Doing an Internship in China

Doing an Internship in China

This article was written by Hanqing Zhao & Benôit Renéry, who contributed as Interns at our Shenzhen and Beijing offices. Whether it is to fulfill a school requirement or simply to explore career opportunities, more and more Western students are choosing China...

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