
Read about Chinese business habits and insights, and about the development in the Chinese market.


Women’s labor participation in China

Women’s labor participation in China

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on the 8th of March every year. On Women’s day the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women throughout history are honored. However, in China, aside from celebrating the achievements of women, the day...

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Chinese Brands in Western Countries

Chinese Brands in Western Countries

More and more Chinese brands are ‘going global’. Especially in the technology sector, Chinese brands are making a name for themselves. Whereas a decade ago Chinese brands available in Western countries were mostly regarded as cheap and signaled a lesser quality,...

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Developing a China strategy inspired by Sun Tzu

Developing a China strategy inspired by Sun Tzu

We would advise every company, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) and corporate alike, to develop strategies for expansions into new markets. However, for China, strategy seems to be even more important. This importance is fueled by several different reasons. Firstly...

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Bike Sharing in China: What happened to the craze?

Bike Sharing in China: What happened to the craze?

Bike sharing in China began after five members of Peking University’s cycling club had an idea based on their busy student lives; what if bike sharing could become dockless? While many western countries had bike sharing methods, such as Citibike in the U.S. and ‘Boris...

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Tips for Signing a MOU in China

Tips for Signing a MOU in China

We have all seen the pictures on LinkedIn or company pages. The official signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between a Western and Chinese firm. Usually there are some high-ranking government officials present, ceremonially co-signing the MOU on a...

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