Doing an Internship in China

Doing an Internship in China

Doing an Internship in China Doing an Internship in China This article was written by Hanqing Zhao & Benôit Renéry, who contributed as Interns at our Shenzhen and Beijing offices. Whether it is to fulfill a school requirement or simply to explore career...
The Gaming Industry in China

The Gaming Industry in China

The Gaming Industry in China The Gaming Industry in China China has the biggest gaming industry in the world. With over 660 million players each year, the industry is generating revenues for both local and foreign companies. Last year, the gaming industry in China...
The Circular Economy in China

The Circular Economy in China

The Circular Economy in China The Circular Economy in China China was one of the first countries to promote a circular economy by taking measures to tackle waste and pollution. Nevertheless, China is still one of the most environmentally harmful countries in the...